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Evaluating Performance of MySql DBMS

Now, We will run experiment on MySql database management system. We will insert huge numeric data and perform queries on those data. Finally, evaluate its performance in terms of execution time. This experiment can be done using the followings:
  • Generate 50 millions numeric data using c programming and store in a text file. It gets 63.050 sec to generate these data. The size of the generated file is 477331 KB.

  • Inset these data into MySQL database: The time required to load data from the text file to database is 11min 26.96 sec.

  • Query before creating the index: The time required to find a specific number in the table is 1 min 39.07 sec. 

  • Add Indexing to the table in the database: Time required to add index is 23 min 0.11 sec.

  • Query after creating the index: The time required to find a specific number in the table is almost 0.00 sec. 
N.B: The table size is 1.5 GB
PC configuration:  Processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200M CPU @2.50 GHz 2.50 GHz, RAM-8GB , 64-bit Operating System( Windows 10)

Therefore, we can say that indexing reduces query time. It is good for a huge size database.

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